Google is making it easier to browse for clothes directly in Search, which is great if you’re a eCommerce fashion retailer. Google wants to make it easier for you to find your style and browse for clothes directly in Search.
The company is releasing a revamped shopping experience that aims to bring a wide array of clothes in one place, where you can sort items by style, department, and size type, among other things.
The new experience also gives users quick access to reviews to help them make a decision.
To use the feature, simply search for any piece of clothing or accessory like you normally would, and you should start seeing suggestions by Google.
For what it’s worth, the internet giant says the feature is still being deployed, so don’t be too discouraged if it’s not yet available to you. Chances are it’ll reach you soon enough.
Starting today and rolling out this week, you’ll begin to see clothes, shoes and accessories from across the web in one place on Search on your mobile device, so you can easily browse lots of different stores and brands at once.
Google has made an extra effort to make sure everyone gets an equal opportunity to be featured in its new revamped shopping feature.
To make this feature possible, Google indexes and organises products from over a million online shops, and updates this information regularly.
Just as Google don’t charge sites to be part of the Google Search index, participating retailers will appear in this new feature for free.